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Old 03-08-2007   #11
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

Originally Posted by guinnessdood
I don't think the mods at CF care too much about the ZR-1 folks...there aren't that many of us! I don't think it would bother CF at all to lose all of us....what...maybe 100 guys that are regular/semi-regular posters?
They don't care because we are usually self policing. But every now and then we need some correction.
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Old 03-08-2007   #12
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

they don't care about anyone other than the venders
It's not the car, it's the people - Doug Johnson
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Old 03-10-2007   #13
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

I'm guilty also!

I always come here first in the AM to see what's up but with me the NE/Events section over at CF is my "window" on what I'm doing & where I'm going just about every weekend....I hang out & go crusin' with those crazys in the NE-wolfpack. Our cruises are a ton o fun and those guys are into driv'in their vettes and we're a tight group. It's my reason to be over at CF.

I prefer here but sometimes I find more info there on ZR-1 issues that I might be dealing with....but I always check here first before I go over there. It's just that for a rookie the archives are bigger there...ya know for lookin things up. I would rather post here because ZFactor made a home for us.

1990 ZR-1, Black/grey, #2233, stock. ZR-1 Net Reg Founding Member #316 & NCM member
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Old 03-10-2007   #14
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?


LINK>>> http://listserv.corvettemuseum.com/c....exe?A0=ZR1NET

AND>>> http://listserv.corvettemuseum.com/c....exe?S1=ZR1NET



Last edited by WB9MCW; 03-10-2007 at 11:59 AM.
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Old 03-10-2007   #15
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Unhappy Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

I've wondered why the responses here are rather few for a forum made up exclusively of ZR-1 owners. I enjoy CF, DC and the ZR-1 Net Registry, but when a question is posted it would be nice to receive some responses. This forum really isn't all it could be.
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Old 03-11-2007   #16
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

Originally Posted by guinnessdood
what...maybe 100 guys that are regular/semi-regular posters?
And gals!

I check both here and CF daily and have found invaluable info on both sites. I 'spect that folks who own multiple 'vettes may tend to hang at CF to get info on all the generations of 'vettes they own... Just a thought.
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Old 03-15-2007   #17
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

I'm trying to come here as more as well.
But as Jeff said, Old habits are hard to break.

Maybe more people "stop in" there at the CF out of curiosity and those people are good people too.

I mean, Let's face it. We are hard core car people and own extremely rare and old cars at this point.

I love it and am so happy to own one, but it scares me a lot. It's so complicated and expensive...I'm ashamed to say I wanted to sell it at one time and I kind of regret trying...it still scares me though. (See male/female thread )

Our babies will go on living in a place more like this ultimately, but the CF is cool too.

I think we are doing the "internet forum research" as the beat goes on, if you know what I mean.

Think of it like this...I mean there are still AMX clubs and later Buick Grand National guys still going and they made 50K of those bad *** buick drive trains...last year was '87...with the technology of today we are going to be hard pressed to keep competing. Speed Density, 16 injectors, difficult and expensive to find parts...the list goes on. I can't wait for someone to use an aftermarket fuel injection system on the King, i.e. bigstuff3, the one that can actually control 16 injectors...now that would be something.

It takes a hard core gearhead who can really appreciate the LT5 for the awesome achievement in mechanical engineering that it is to fit in here.

Ok, going to see all the new threads 'over there'

Rock On,

Rick =)
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Old 03-17-2007   #18
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

Im guilty also. I dont know if its just me or is that a good ole boys club.
Either your with the click or your not.
Im staying here now. Much nicer place.
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Old 03-17-2007   #19
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

Originally Posted by threestar40
I'm trying to come here as more as well.
But as Jeff said, Old habits are hard to break.

Maybe more people "stop in" there at the CF out of curiosity and those people are good people too.

I mean, Let's face it. We are hard core car people and own extremely rare and old cars at this point.

I love it and am so happy to own one, but it scares me a lot. It's so complicated and expensive...I'm ashamed to say I wanted to sell it at one time and I kind of regret trying...it still scares me though. (See male/female thread )

Our babies will go on living in a place more like this ultimately, but the CF is cool too.

I think we are doing the "internet forum research" as the beat goes on, if you know what I mean.

Think of it like this...I mean there are still AMX clubs and later Buick Grand National guys still going and they made 50K of those bad *** buick drive trains...last year was '87...with the technology of today we are going to be hard pressed to keep competing. Speed Density, 16 injectors, difficult and expensive to find parts...the list goes on. I can't wait for someone to use an aftermarket fuel injection system on the King, i.e. bigstuff3, the one that can actually control 16 injectors...now that would be something.

It takes a hard core gearhead who can really appreciate the LT5 for the awesome achievement in mechanical engineering that it is to fit in here.

Ok, going to see all the new threads 'over there'

Rock On,

Rick =)

I hear you and I had some of the same feelings about getting rid of the Z at one time. The good thing is now I'm in waaaayy to deep to even think about it and I guess you can say I'm "Obsessed". If not for this forum and "CF" I would not be able to work on these cars even with the factory manuals. There is nothing like the help from all the folks here to share their experience to get you through any repair. I can't even begin to thank all the folks from the Registry and CF ZR-1 for all the tips and tricks to work on my Z.
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Old 03-20-2007   #20
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Default Re: Why so many ZR-1 owners at Corvette Forum?

from my side, i have bad experience with CF! see, if you post something aginst C5,6 , the Moderaor in ZR1 thread in CF is C5 owner, and he lock your thread or move it! what the crap is that! but truthly i just go there because of you Z folks, we r all gulity not hanging in our Home : zr1 net!
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