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View Poll Results: Have you ever hit the rev limiter?
YES 147 67.12%
NO 72 32.88%
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Old 02-13-2007   #51
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Last edited by WB9MCW; 02-13-2007 at 10:58 PM.
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Old 02-17-2007   #52
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AW i guess poor hopalong is going to be getting the gas for a while. But he seems to be a good sport. Also was nice enough to give us a great sounding video. how do you speed shift with that cast . horefully no holes in the fire wall
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Old 02-20-2007   #53
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Default Re: Poll: Who has ever hit the rev limiter?

This thread has been very interesting.

The stock rev limiter is set to 7072 rpm. It is set there to preserve the life of the water pump, alternator and steering pump. The engine's redline is 8000 rpm. Above that rpm you risk valve float, although a few members have run their motors above 8000 rpms without issue.

Will it hurt to hit the rev limiter? No. Will it hurt to hit the rev limiter many times? No. Will it damage the engine to run it on the limiter all day? Well - that can't be good for the cam chains or the cams themselves, but the rest of the engine won't give a damn.

Moral of the story - don't worry about touching the rev limiter from time to time. Mine is set to 7400 rpm with a 4.125 inch stroke, which is the same piston speed as running a stock motor above 8000 rpm. I also have larger pulleys on the water pump and alternator to slow them down, use less power and extend their life as I wring it up to 7400 rpm on a regular basis.

As for shift lights - set them 200 rpm below where you have the limiter - shift just after you see the light, and you'll never hit the limiter.

The stock shift light is too difficult to see to be useful. It was calibrated for peak power on the stock calibration when at WOT, and for fuel economy at part throttle. It was pretty cool.
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Old 02-20-2007   #54
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good info---nice to see ya postin here doc---hope u are happy in yankee land now---
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Old 02-25-2007   #55
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Originally Posted by DDSLT5
This thread has been very interesting.

The stock rev limiter is set to 7072 rpm. It is set there to preserve the life of the water pump, alternator and steering pump. The engine's redline is 8000 rpm. Above that rpm you risk valve float, although a few members have run their motors above 8000 rpms without issue.

Will it hurt to hit the rev limiter? No. Will it hurt to hit the rev limiter many times? No. Will it damage the engine to run it on the limiter all day? Well - that can't be good for the cam chains or the cams themselves, but the rest of the engine won't give a damn.

Moral of the story - don't worry about touching the rev limiter from time to time. Mine is set to 7400 rpm with a 4.125 inch stroke, which is the same piston speed as running a stock motor above 8000 rpm. I also have larger pulleys on the water pump and alternator to slow them down, use less power and extend their life as I wring it up to 7400 rpm on a regular basis.

As for shift lights - set them 200 rpm below where you have the limiter - shift just after you see the light, and you'll never hit the limiter.

The stock shift light is too difficult to see to be useful. It was calibrated for peak power on the stock calibration when at WOT, and for fuel economy at part throttle. It was pretty cool.
I have been following this thread with a large smile. :-) My rev limiter was set to either 7600 or 7800, I can't remember which. I have banged off of it so many times, I couldn't even begin to guess how many times. I agree with what Dwight says. No damage. That is what it was designed to do. To stop you from damaging the engine. I will say also that I ran my Z very hard and it was used to the treatment I gave it. Even at 105K miles on the engine, it still ran pretty good. Would I recommend that for every LT5, probably not if you don't do it all the time. Do I think it will hurt it, probably not. My engine has done things that most will never see. I have had it 180 mph in 5th with 4.10 gears and held it there for several seconds (BBORR 2001 heading to finish line). I am not sure but seem to remember that it was at about 7400 - 7500 rpm at the finish line. And I had the "pedal to the metal (fiberglass)". With modified engines, going above 7000 makes sense when racing or playing. With a stock Z, there seems to be no good reason to rev much over 7000 as it runs out of air. My car was slightly modified and on the dyno was still producing good hp at 7400. Just thought I would comment. I am sure there are many Z owners who hate what I did to my Z. However, I feel like when racing in ORR, I was doing what the car was designed to do. It is a great ORR car. With just a few thousand dollars worth of mods, it was able to beat a lot of very expensive cars. And give its owner (me) memories to last a lifetime.
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Old 02-25-2007   #56
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Default Re: Poll: Who has ever hit the rev limiter?


I always enjoyed it when I heard of something else No 364 had done or was about to do. Always was courious what would have happend next if 364 wasen't wrecked.

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Old 02-26-2007   #57
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Originally Posted by 40th#381

I always enjoyed it when I heard of something else No 364 had done or was about to do. Always was courious what would have happend next if 364 wasen't wrecked.

Hi Jan,
There were two things that I wanted to do with #364: 200 mph and 10 sec 1/4 mile. I did one and will always believe that I would have done the other on Sat. at BG when #364 was wrecked. Now had I accomplished both goals, I probably would have raised the bar but will never know. 11.08@129 will just have to suffice.

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Old 02-26-2007   #58
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Default Re: Poll: Who has ever hit the rev limiter?

wow that a great et and mph . what mods did you have to get there? what did you do to the suspension to get it to hook up? love to learn from ya. thanx
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Old 02-26-2007   #59
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Default Re: Poll: Who has ever hit the rev limiter?

Originally Posted by jonszr1
wow that a great et and mph . what mods did you have to get there? what did you do to the suspension to get it to hook up? love to learn from ya. thanx
#364 had only a few mods, all bolt on. RWHP was 392. I had the normal stuff done: inj housings, plenuum, headers and 3 1/2 inch SS open exhaust with X pipe. For most of the time I ran 4.10 gears except when ORR then 3.45. For drag racing, I sprayed a little. Best 60' was 1.59. I used 10" ET Streets when spraying and they hooked pretty good. I set front shocks to full soft and rears to 3/4 hard. My FX3 system was disconnected and I set all shocks by hand. Fronts are easy. Rears more fun.
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Old 03-31-2007   #60
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Default Re: Poll: Who has ever hit the rev limiter?

It's north of 7500, I know that!
Jerry Downey
1994 ZR-1, Black/Black, Lingenfelter Aerobody, 416cu in, 3.91 gears, coil-over susp, Brembo brakes, etc.
2016 Black-Red, 3LT-Z51 Auto 8-speed.
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