Originally Posted by 8cam
I have been trying to talk my wife into doing a similar trip, but she's not a road-tripper. She's about the destination, not the journey. I tried to tell her trips like this, the journey IS the destination, but that didn't fly.
With all due respect and I'm gonna try and make this as short as I can because this is a great thread with all the amazing images provided by the honorable OP Jim. About your wife and her resistance to your wishes... What about you-as the faithful and hard working husband? Why don't you take that once in a lifetime trip without her? Because if your wife loves you for you, then she will accept your gracious once in a lifetime opportunity invitation to travel all over America in a Corvette! Only in America would a woman complain and decline when a loving husband invites her to travel all over the USA and the husband drives! I must say, I am so disappointed why we men tolerate such spoiled women. It is just simply beyond me.
Jim - Great thread...amazing pics and drive safely!