Originally Posted by -=Jeff=-
Let's just hope people don't just buy them up to hoard them. then we will be back to where we were before.
since this sounds like a positiove and the fact that the DIS is quite stout, now if we can just find a fully working ECM replacement (Yes I know of DIYAutoTune, but technically it is not 100% fully working)
EDIT: to Add, I am sure you and Graham are doing this, but please Archive all your work for that DIS in case it needs to be revisited
Hoarding is all people do with them. Let's face it, there have been less than 10 documented failures and between totaled cars and spares there are hundreds and hundreds of DIS units out there.
Originally Posted by HAWAIIZR-1
I am really glad I bought my NOS NIB GM DIS module back in 2003 when I got my first Z. I paid $400 back then and thought that was ridiculous. I have a spare ECM that was about $200 back then. I hope I never need them. Now no regrets seeing how valuable they are now.
Sent from my iPhone using ZR-1 Net Registry
I bought a NIB DIS last year on the forum for 600.00.
Originally Posted by Erik
Definitely. This project can't be allowed to fall by the wayside. If in the future, DIS modules start failing regularly, The current supply will dry up, and no option will be available we are screwed and the value of our cars will plummet. If my choice becomes a $2000 modern component, reliable DIS module or parking my ZR-1 indefinitely, the choice becomes very easy.
As the mean mileage of cars increases, there will be more failures. Will that number ever reach or exceed the number of spares currently available (and those that will become available in the future)? Unlikely based on the failure rate up until now.
Originally Posted by A26B
The work product developed to this point was acquired at significant cost of money, time & effort. It goes without saying that the DIS Module project will not be tossed away & forgotten. The decision to suspend development was based on the current circumstances and in the best interest of all concerned.
We certainly appreciate the time and effort you have put into keeping our cars going.