Jeff (batch); would you clarify / equate please your 'A', and 'B', to Leeg's options - either Option 1), or Option 2), or Option 3)???
And which Option are you favoring here? (Never mind your race regs, for the moment here).
Your 'A', looks like LeeG's Option 2), but I'd like to be clear here on what we're saying...
Originally Posted by batchman
Sincerely hoping this thread has not scared Lee off, I have a question.
My racing rules limit me to going 1" into the head ports, intake or exhaust. On the other hand if I'm going to crack open the thing (or the wallet), I want to make sure I don't leave anything on the table. After all, this is [strikethrough]war[/strikethrough] racing.
To my eye, choices appear to be A) porting IH with <=4deg taper to match the stock head or B) porting to the extent that <=4deg taper can happen within the top inch of the head.
Looking at the implements of destruction I honestly didn't think one could taper like "A" in the IH. On the other hand I figured using the 1" into the head would be the way to make sure the ports register properly between the IH and the head.
If I think between the lines a little bit it sounds like Lee's answer to my dilemma would be let the head ridge stay, but knowing myself I'd take that to mean stick with tapering in the IH.
Maybe the truth lies in the middle, taper the IH from 36 to 33 then use the last mm in that top inch of the head to be sure to align the ports?
I am still on the fence about the secondaries. Once in a while I need to leave the car with a mechanic and knowing human nature that's a great time to keep the power key in the pocket so to speak. It sounds like there's nothing to be gained there at the head other than simplification, which I do confess I like a lot...
- Jeff