those with out the secondaries?????
i went to coreys in dec to remove my secodaries, get retuned and his headers,instead of the stainless works . didnt get a chance to do headers, his brother was getting married that sat . but did get the secondaries done and a new tune . when i had it tuned after putting on the stainless works 3 yrs ago she made 383 on the dyno . car also had a corsa on it . this time with my 3in x pipe then 23/4 factory tubing into 3 in super turbos with dual 21/2 in exits made my highway mileage seems to improved by about 2 mpg. .the runs were 3 yrs apart and figure the exhaust might have made some of the improvement .car also seems to have alot better midrange .what are your guys experiences ..please tell me your thoughts on your cars . can hardly wait for the first weekend in feb to try at the strip .