Originally Posted by Jim Nolan
I did notice that the plac. says ZR1, not ZR-1. I say this because most of these shows are run by Corvette owners who only know of the new ZR1 and nothing else. I entered a Corvette only show last fall
and was put into the class with the new ZR1's. I tried to explain to the people running the show that mine was a different class and 20 years older. The answer was a ZR1 is a ZR-1. When I asked what class a C3 ZR-1 would be classed I got the troublemaker stare and a response of well there isn't one entered.
But I did beat out 2 2011's, 1 2012 and the only one I lost to was a 2013.
I figured I would be lumped in with the new ones. I also was surprised that there were only 2 total out of 160+ Vettes. When I looked through all the cars and discovered that - I figured it would be whether the judges liked "old school or new school". I mean really as far as cleanliness and "show ready" we were about even. His had a "Dealer Plate" on it - so I don't know if it was actually his car, if he was a Dealer salesman, or what. I know if I were a judge that would count against.
But since they had the award - I'm glad I got it over the new one. Wish there had been more competition - but hey - it is what it is...
There were several C4's that I beat for "Best in Class" so that was cool...
Originally Posted by Paul Workman
Congratz!! Nuttin' like a polished, black car in a car show to get attention!
Paul - that Borla cleaned up REALLY NICE! I stripped the paint off and spent a couple hours with Bar Keepers Friend and Scotchbrite. Definitely adds to the look! (And sounds better too).. Thanks Again!