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Old 07-06-2010   #6
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alex VA
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Default Re: Undercarriage - steam clean

I wouldn't use simple green. it can corrode and pit the alum parts

take a decent degreaser, I used the orange stuff that was cheap, or dilute some purple power and put it up on the lift and let it soak. next think I did was use a simple "scunzi" seteam wand. it wasn't really powerful enough and "elbo grease" and 000 steel wool really worked great at getting the tough stuff loosened up and clean.

would I do it again, well, it's kinda like hiding a brick by throwing it way up in the air (works for a little while)

seriously, it did help the appearance quite a bit but for a daily driver you'll be surprised how dirty it gets, especially if you get caught in the rain *(like at BG every year!!)

sounds like another wazoo event, many hands make light workusa
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