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Old 06-13-2010   #1
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: McLean, VA
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Default Undercarriage - steam clean


My car has been a daily driver for many years and has accumulated quite a bit of oil fume and dirt build up especially under the motor.
I thought about putting the car on jack and using Gunk, Simple Green, etc... but I was not convinced of expected result.
Having searched around, I think I found an outfit near Baltimore and they seem to have steam machine w/ necessary adaptor for auto under carriage.
I believe, since this is low/medium pressure, this method should pose less of a possibility of moisture getting into weatherpak and corroding pins.
I wouldn't use steam to clean the motor but around the motor, bottom of the motor, four corners of the suspension and undercarriage.
Would any other WAZOO member be interested? If I see sufficient interest, I could call and get a group pricing so that we can get together at their shop and get our bottoms spanking clean.
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