Code 42 where are you....
I picked up my OBD 1 /II scanner today to help diagnose my idle problem (Innova 3120) - and discover that while it is an OBD I / II scanner, it will only read live data from OBD II cars. What a pain. Looks like I need to get an AUto Xray, or an Actron. I think a MAC or a Craftsman may work also.
The less then useful 3120 does however tell me I have a DTC 42 active - which is an electronic spark error (though no check engine light). Searching the forum tells me that I have either... a problem with my Ignition mod wiring (though all the wiring seemed to snap back together as it should - no bent pins visibe when I re-installed it) a bad ignition module or a bad ECM.
I am guessing this could also relate to my high idle? Would a live data scan tool help me pinpoint my issue?