Originally Posted by Blue Flame Restorations
In the code "P8Y094", what do the numbers stand for?
P = Prototype?
8 = Year of manufacture
Y = ??????
094 = engineering tracking number?
Does anyone have a difinitive answer?
Y is the Corvette Body line Like the F line was firebird an the J line was the Cavalier.
094 was the sequence number. so it would have been the 94th Y P number assigned. 8 was the "Model Year" your car was build during the 87 manufacture year.
There are differeing opinions on exactly what the P stnads for. I will let others discuss that, but there appears to be at least 4 different types of tracking numbers:
P numbers like P8Y094
S numbers like S9YKH1
PR numbers like 9PR110 (#074)and 9PR450 (#003)
and 1 numbers like:
19Y0123 1989 ZR-1 #081 Snake Skinner
19Y133 1989 ZR-1 #016 Yellow Geneva show car
19Y170 1989 ZR-1 France Press Tour car