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Old 03-19-2010   #10
Paul Workman
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Default Re: Curious: cam regrinding a stock 350 LT-5

Originally Posted by XfireZ51 View Post
So should I expect 50rwhp from doing the heads after having ported the top end?
According to Marc (with whom I've visited and had this conversation with recently) his experience has been similar to Pete's: around 25-30 over top end P&P, headers, exhaust, etc. Marc's "wall paper" shows several examples where a fully ported LT5 w/ headers and low restriction exhaust are putting down around 430 (with an aluminum FW). I suspect the 10 extree hosses of Pete's comes from secret cam timing, written on a coded piece of paper and is hidden in one of those mason jars buried in Pete's back yard, and perhaps the 3" cross pipe and the B&B (which he has mentioned on here in the past).

Who is going to port your heads, Dom? The head porting (as Ryan so often reminds us) begins at the valve seat and works back, as you well know. Just curious if you were going to tackle it, cuz porting is (to me) a fascinating subject and I'd be curious to know what your specs are going to be.

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