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Old 08-03-2009   #3
Paul Workman
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Default Re: Speakin of "running rough"...

Well, so far...

Plug wires: swapped #8 with #5 (same length)

Coil: swapped places w/ the front two (the #7-6 coil now serving 8-5, if memory serves)

Injectors: swapped places; #8's injectors now in the #4 spot.

I shoulda checked resistance of the (Multitech!) injectors before pulling the plenum (and messing up a gasket). But! I have a used set of gaskets (some of Jerry's are on order) to slap on there long enough to heat the engine up and then test the injectors, AND swap ECMs too, if need be.

So! The question is, which cylinder is going to miss now? If it is #5, it is a bad plug wire. If it is #4 - the injectors. If either #7 or #6 fails - the coil comes under suspicion (plugs were eliminated earlier).

If it is a combo......I don't wanna go there yet. Course if there is no change at all, and the (hot) injector resistance checks out, that leaves the ECM. Then, if nothing comes of all this, I guess an engine pull is on the plate to see what's what with the mechanicals.

Sound like a plan?

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