There were six ZR-1's at the show. The weather was beautiful. A bunch of us had a nice lunch at Paradiso's Restaurant.
It was nice to see Andy and Craig again, (Andy's Polo Green 1994 ZR-1 took first place in the C4 category) Bill's White 1991 ZR-1 was beautiful, as always. (unfortunately, he arrived after a lot of people had turned in their ballots.)My Yellow 1994 took second place.
But better than all the judging, we met some new friends and arranged some tech assist visits. I think that a set of ZR-1 wheels were sold, and I may have found a source for the transmission shifter parts I need.
We met Todd, another ZR-1 owner who lives about 4 miles from me. I will be adding him to the MD-NoVA list. (He had a 1967 Corvette at this show)
The show was well run and we all had a great time.