This past Saturday I was returning home from work in my Z!! On Rt.5 in Southern Maryland I came upon a red light. I was in the left lane, first in line. In the right lane a brand new 2010 Camaro SS with temp tags pulled up and a new 2010 regular camaro behind him. Nice looking cars!! The SS was white with blue stripes, but I must say it sounded like a sewing machine.
Anyway, this guy was revving his new toy at me the second he pulled up. I let him hear my corsa headers and drags in return! He sorta slumpped in his seat. The light turned green, and off he went tires squealing. Not to be outdone, I left a cloud of smoke at the light and by third gear was leaving him behind like he was standing still. About a mile down the road, another red light. The scenario repeated itself, this time there was about 3 miles before another red light. When he finally caught up to me at the light he was shaking his head and saying "nevermind,you win"!!
It's good to be king!!