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Old 05-03-2009   #1
Paul Workman
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Default Porting is done...FINALLY!

Pete's balls are free to ream out the next virgin set of plenum/IHs! Those balls doooo get around, huh?

I finished touching up the port matching and initial torquing (will re-torque the IHs this morning). Were it not for the fact the 5/8" freeze plugs I bought (to cap off the secondary bearing ports) turned out to be .040 over, I'd give a fire-up a shot today. But, instead, I guess I'll be relegated to doing some cleaning and maybe some painting (the plenum). I've gotta slap on my new headers and 3" exhaust system, and she'll be ready to terrorize some blacktop...Another addition to the FBI!! Can't wait!!

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