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Old 04-09-2009   #14
Join Date: Jul 2006
Location: Bowling Green, KY
Posts: 247
Default Re: State of the NCM

Originally Posted by SignMan59 View Post
Very nice post, but I have to tell you as a long time corvette lover and hobbyist, my first visit to this museum in March was a total disappointment.

The buildings "curb appeal" is pretty neat, and is inviting. However, the content was a total let down. It starts off really pretty nice with the 53 display, but it goes downhill pretty quick after that. A few mid years (common drivers) and a pretty decent "body drop" display of a C3. After that its all about C4 race cars, etc. I mean how do you have a corvette museum without a SWC???? Not one. That is pretty ridiculous. L88? ...nope. Grand sport?? nope. Remember this is the corvette museum.
Afterwords, we did meet a ZR-1 guy who has a place accross the street (Jim VanDoren) I think was his he was a hell of a nice guy. Learned quite a bit about Z's. Has a nice shop too.
Well Signman, glad you liked my shop, 'tis I, (VanDorn) speaking.

Yes, I agree with you, the displays have always been somewhat of a problem because when the place was designed it wasn’t done very well. The “good” displays you refer to, we refer to as the “permanent” displays and they are really well done. But when you get past them, you enter the race track area and all chronological order ceases. You turn the corner and there’s a vast assortment of C4, C5, C6, Design, Engineering etc. It is very confusing and has been for some time. We are very much hoping the new space will help to better accommodate some new exhibit organization, after all, a museum should always tell the story of its subject, usually in a chronological order. This hasn’t been the case at the NCM since it was built and many of us have commented on this very subject.

Should the NCM ask for ideas, I have a new exhibit map which I think would do a very nice job telling Corvette’s story now that the additional space is available.

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