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Old 03-11-2009   #5
Join Date: Mar 2006
Location: Innsbrook, Missouri
Posts: 1,720
Default Re: Congrats to Corey Henderson!

We in the ZR1 brotherhood are blessed to have such talented
people associated with our cars. After meeting Corey, through my good buddy, Bob Hall. I understood what all the fuss was about.
first class person, First class work. His car is remarkable.
If i lived a little closer, well, that is another story.
I'm blessed to have two of the finest ZR1 tuners, that i consider
friends, that being, Corey and Marc.
but there are a host of others. Jeffvette is coming into his own.
There is a feller down in Georgia that does great work, along with another
in the great state of Louisiana. Mr J. Vandorn in Bowling Green I would not
hesitate to take my car to.
things are looking up for our old school beaters.
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