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Old 02-21-2009   #5
ZR1Vette's Avatar
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Default Re: How to properly sell a ZR-1 on Ebay

Fine to see a ZR-1 like this...but my interest is what I am seeing as compared to my ZR. My ZR is #566 and one on ebay is #624:

-Looks like the transition from steel to aluminum half shafts at #622 is holding true>>

On my ZR it too did not have the engine sticker (red <) yet in some engine bay pics of 1990 ZRs the sticker is seen.

The white < shows an area that seems to be inconsistent in finish coming from BG... in the pic above note area is body colored and on my ZR it is black>>

Finally, I have been told more than once the hose clamps on my ZR are replacements in that they are the screw type as opposed to spring style seen on many ZRs... well like the transition from steel to aluminum half shafts looks like there was a change is clamp types...when?? far looks like a MY90 to MY91+ change but not sure...well that will be for another bit of sleuthing >>>

Nice reference pics for future NCRS types...

Last edited by ZR1Vette; 02-21-2009 at 07:23 AM.
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