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Old 10-25-2008   #61
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Default Re: LT5 Assembly Project

Originally Posted by LGAFF View Post
Well I bought new head bolts from Jerry and received them today, perfect timing as the wife was out of the house when they arrived...thanks Jerry.

I cleaned some grime off the block, and then examined the pistons I truly think there are 2 that will need to go. But I am going to pull them and look at the sides to see how bad the damage is....maybe sand them alittle and see what happens.

I assume the next steps to access the crank bearings and pistons would be as follows:

Step 1: Remove the timing chains....

loosen tensioner:

and then unbolt the primary chain gear:

Any tricks or concerns on the tensioners? The secodary/cam chain tensioners were removed prior to shipping the motor.

92 ZR1

Make note of the oil hole on the idler gear for reinstallation. The almost last thing after timing I put on was the timing cover to build up oil pressure to watch and verify oil flow to idler gear and watch tensioners to work right without binding since I had never reset one before until then or I probably couldn't of slept.

Do you have the reset procedures for the tensioners? Marc Haibeck has some on his site and I've got some more that was posted a while back. Unless your getting new ones for 500 or so.
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