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Old 10-25-2008   #27
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Default Re: Finally got a chance to really run it.

Well the classic sticker says life begins at 180mph thats also where life ends for a stock ZR-1 unless you riegn in the mods. The only reason I didn't keep my foot in it long enough to hit the 180 mark was because I just didn't feel comfortable passing slower cars up at that speed. I never even used 6th gear. 5th gear all the way. The cost starts at $275 on up depending on what package you want at TWS. And I've never seen them open up the full oval like this before. And as far as gas mileage I'd like to see what your gas mileage is at that speed. I doubt its much better. At 130mph I was still getting 13mpg. There were alot of things going through my head in that video. The first was the enjoyment of the rush. Second was I hope my camera is getting this. The last was if something goes wrong I'm going to be a big splat. And from one ZR-1 brother to another Its here for your viewing pleasure at my expense. Which was fun.

Last edited by rhipsher; 10-25-2008 at 11:09 PM.
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