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Old 08-11-2008   #1
Join Date: Mar 2008
Location: England
Posts: 219
Default the 90 in UK and 92 coming

well he (Red 1G1YZ23J6L5800231)arrived at Southampton docks UK a couple of months back now and my first experience was a run to my town 'southend on sea'....bout 130 miles

couple of lil probs....dead battery but they always are after a transatlantic trip. Some one always leaves something on to totally kill the had to get back without stopping the engine.

the drive was wonderful and horrible at the same time with typical UK traffic jam virtually the whole trip but the occasional gap put a smile on my face when l could get to 125 between jams...leaving BMW's and Merc's trailing in the wake of the LT5 music

a big impression was how lazy the engine could run at say 70.....about 1700 rpm in 6th....couldnt believe it...then droping to 5th for a casual overtake....4th for a lively overtake....3rd for a CYA overtake....a little futher anoyance was in the form of LTPWS and 'service ride control' came on.....lm hoping that this is to do with a croaked battery.....but l dont know yet as the battery was bought and l havent been back in UK to drive for two months.....but l didnt buy a 90 without knowing l would be into fixing it....

And Next

92 yellow (1G1YZ23J7N5800404) arriving UK in about 5 weeks....Bought from Kurt at white racing products....and some work done before shipped....ride control fixed, new screen, new weather strip where it needed it....and this and that....a pleasure dealing with Kurt

Not entirely sure of my plans for this one....its the real colour l like, 'competition yellow' so l have been toying with the idea of doing a racing tribute vinyl job on the body work.....which brings me to the question.....what is the best example of a yellow 92 race car that l could copy....lve seen some close comparisons on the vette museum website, but any photographs appreciated.

I really have become a bit addicted to the ZR1....its an engineers car (me) all other cars are leaving the stable...tho lm hardly ever back in UK to drive anything as l work mainly in Ukraine, but l might do a road trip $10 a UK gallon and about $6 in Ukraine

I dont reckon on having to many more cars now as lm comin up 51 and these boys will last me a few years...or until the UK nanny government either takes my licence away coz lm too old, or finds other ways to keep either me or the Z's off the road.....

Until then....lm going to enjoy every time l get behind the wheel




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