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Old 07-11-2008   #23
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Default Re: Corvettes at Carlisle - August 22-24, 2008 - Questions?!?!

Originally Posted by jrd1990zr1
Do you have to pre-register and pay a fee to enter?
As a one-year veteran of Corvettes at Carlisle I know how confusing it is. I will try to explain.

C@C is a massive gathering of Corvettes. Most attendees will drive to the show grounds and park their Corvette in the Fun Field (the grounds). In order to park "in the show" (the Fun Field), you have to pay. The best way to do this is to pre-register on the Carlisle website. The basic deal is $55.00 for a three-day Fun Field pass that is mailed to you and you stick on your windshield.

There may be one-day passes available at the show but I am not sure about that. Because of the crowds, it is easiest to pre-register and then you are set for the whole show. You can drive in and out as often as you like.

"In the show" there are thousands (literally) of parking spaces (on grass). There are some special areas reserved for groups such as the anniversary cars and there is the ZR-1 NetRegistry area that we will set up near Gate Three. Just drive around and look for our tent, or ask for the ZR-1 NetRegistry Area. Here is a pic from last year: (easy to find, right?)

No additional registration or payment is necessary for the ZR-1 area of the Fun Field. Most ZR-1 guys park in the ZR-1 NetRegistry Area, although some park in with their club or friends. Either way be sure to stop by the ZR-1 NetRegistry Tent and say hello, we would like to meet you.

If you want to enter your car in the judged show, you have to make that selection on the Carlisle Website. I think that they have a special area for parking on the day of judging. There are also some other options on the Website such as AutoX.

If you plan to stay in the Carlisle area overnight, contact ZZZZZR1 about reserving at the hotel where some of us will be staying. A lot the the great times are after the show when we get together. So even if you stay in another hotel, check in at the ZR-1 NetRegistry tent to find out what is going on each evening.

If you don't bring a Corvette to Carlisle or you don't want to pay admission to the Fun Field, you have to park your car outside the Show and walk in. There is a walk-in admission charge, I think. Parking outside the Show is where you can find it. Many local businesses and homes offer off-street parking for a fee, just look around for a spot. There is NO show parking outside the grounds.

I hope this helps.

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