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Old 05-06-2008   #5
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Default Re: 90-95's for sale

Originally Posted by Artic93
I agree...looks like a salesman trying to set me up for low expectations. I saw a Ruby 93 go for low 40's on ebay a month or so ago. I know thats the color to have, but my white shouldn't be down in the low 20's. I listed it today on ebay so we'll see.
Better to have low expectations and get a higher amount, than to have high expectations and get a lower amount.

The bang for the buck you get with a base C6 for right at 40K is a steal compared to buying a super nice 95 ZR-1 for 40-55k. You are also going to fight the stigma of parts availability and the fact the car is also 15 years old. Plus it takes a special person to want to buy a ZR-1.
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