Re: WTB: 1990 ZR-1 Red Floor Mats
I believe there is evidence the driver side mat changed early in the 1990 model year. Not only did the part # change but, the heel pad disappeared and the entire front of the mat was carpet.
I'm still researching and, it should be noted, the folks that wrote the 1990-1991 NCRS TIM&JG are very knowledgeable. In my new and limited research, 1990 #691 had a heel pad and 1990 #797 is all carpet, no heel pad.
Again, I've just started my research so, it has a long way to go with much needed validation.
Mark 'Kramden' Donnally
1988 King of the Hill Prototype EX5006
1989 ZR-1 Engineering Unit #78
1990 ZR-1 #2456