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Old 3 Weeks Ago   #48
Join Date: Feb 2007
Location: Komoka, Ontario, Canada
Posts: 597
Default Re: 2025 ZR-1 Gathering and Mountain Run, May 11-17

For what it is worth?

I was the one who initially raised concerns over HI after multiple members from my local Corvette club would not even stay the first of multiple nights after what they discovered during their visit this past fall. No hot water, handles coming off in their hands, mold, dehumidifiers going 24/7 to deal with the dampness, etc, etc.

I realize the frustration with having to change things in Feb. I am no longer a member of the board, so I?ll be frank in saying we all ought to be supporting the board?s decision to make this change. The flip side of the decision would have been to expose us to run-down facilities for five days and four nights - would those complaining about the change have wanted that?

Come on folks - these guys give up more hours than you could know to keep this club alive and vibrant, so when they make a tough decision with our interests in mind, how about a little understanding and support!!!

Bob Lambe

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1991 ZR-1 (SN666) - Haibeck 510; 410s, Corsa, SW Headers; Hurst SS; DeWitts Rad; RC Injectors; LEDs throughout; `93 MF Sawblades
2016 Z06 - Stock
1971 Stingray 454 LS5 - Sold
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