Originally Posted by DRM500RUBYZR-1
The response from a member should not have been deleted, nor the thread closed.
This has to stop.
His response, which I read before it was deleted, did not involve any system related problem, but rather it detailed the actual editing of a members post.
There was no valid reason to delete it or to close the thread.
Again, Enough.
Re: Post Editing by Board Members
Originally Posted by Corvette95 View Post
We (I) have had a problem recently as well on the ZR1Registry Facebook page with my post getting erroneously fact checked with wrong information. Heavy handed admin can go too far.
Making vague claims without anything to reference isn't helpful. If you are having an issue with your posts on the Registry Facebook Group, please PM me with links to those posts, point out the specific issue, and I work with you on it.
Please remember, Facebook is owned and run by Meta, not us. The Registry is rather limited on what we can do. This is one of the many reasons why we need to steer any technical discussions to the Forum.
Zack Brinkmeier - Forum Chairman, ZR-1 Registry
1990 ZR-1 #299, Bright Red/Red
ZBrink is offline Report Post
Marty, as I stated in a previous response within this thread, the post which was deleted not only contained information that was not true, it added fuel to a fire that shouldn't have been burning in the first place. Other users and Members were reading that message out of context, taking the misinformation as fact, and commenting with additional negativity that was counter to anything positive for our community.
Forum Rule #4 contains the following, "
Posts may not attack other members". If a Forum user intentionally states something which is not true about another Forum user, it may be considered an attack and Moderators may delete those posts as seen fit.
I have PM'ed both you and Bob with my phone number and have asked for a phone call to not only "clear the air" but to get to know the two of you. Both of you are valued members of our community. Not only do I care for these cars, but I care greatly about our community and will make the time and effort to help foster positive relationships.