Originally Posted by RICKYRJ1
Hi, I'm in the process of covering plastic interior trim pieces in Nappa leather.
I want to cover the underside of the pieces in Dynamat or like product. Anybody see any kind of issue with doing so,clearance, fitment ? So far i have the windshield header, A pillar, B pillar, Halo, and the 3 rear cargo pieces wrapped. They look great and feel so much better. LMK Thanks Ricky
Sorry I see this is in the WRONG section, MODS, Please move Thank You 
As Jeff said, it would really depend on your goal. Wrapping the back side of the specific pieces you've mentioned would require a very thing material similar to Dynamat. However I'm not sure any results of doing that would provide you with any noticeable effect. But again, it would really depend on your goals.