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Old 01-22-2025   #7
Z51JEFF's Avatar
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Default Re: Anyone Skilled or Able to 3D Scan to CAD or the Like?

Originally Posted by ZBrink View Post
Hi Jeff, I empathize with your frustration. Please know that I am new to the Registry (10 months), brand new as a Board member, and not aware of past projects. This is yet another reason why I am soliciting the help of all of you!

Frankly though, a lot of people are venting but few are stepping up to help. Ex., more than 100 people have viewed my new/updated stickies yet I haven't received a single response with updates from the community. I cannot do this alone, I have to have help from the community.

Who was involved in the windshield project? I will try and speak with them and see where we are at. With as many members as we have though, we should be able to work on simultaneous projects at once.
You are the main player in regards to this site and you have no knowledge of these windshields? This is in no way any criticism towards you but it seems the people running this site should have divulged this in the very beginning. As far as somebody making new content thermostat housings there are several cast parts and several pipes,all aluminum and welded together. My suggestion is have one 3D printed,disassemble this and find a foundry to make the cast part,source the aluminum pipe and find a machine shop to do any machine work and weld everything together. My Brother is a tool and die maker by profession with a full service shop. Hes getting ready to retire,just out of curiosity I'm going to ask him about this.
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