Originally Posted by Marc Haibeck
From your overall detailed description of the running condition I wonder if a fuel injector wire is pinched under the plenum. The front primary fuel injectors on both banks are the most susceptible to this. You might be able to see the pinched wire without removing the plenum. Look at the black wire on the left side. Look at the black/light green wire on the right side.
The banging noise is from a misfire. Maybe because a short circuited fuel injector is not contributing torque.
White smoke at idle can be caused by a fuel injector that is spraying full time due to a shorted drive circuit. A connection to ground turns the fuel injector on.
The 850 rpm idle may be due to a vacuum leak.
The disconnected fuel regulator vacuum hose has nothing to do with your problem. On a healthy engine the control system tunes around the disconnected hose and the car drives normally.
Thank you for the feedback. It appears on inspection the drivers side black wire was very kinked at one point closest to the connector and it was also slightly wedged between the rail and connector. I freed it up and rounded out the wire, so far this morning its still having hard starts, misfiring "knocking", and heavy fuel smell on just starting it. I will check it again and drive it around later today. Otherwise no codes and fuses look good.
If it continues, I'll will to take it back to mechanic and have him check what you mentioned as there's got to be a short, ground issue, or low resistance, something should come back abnormal this time. It's very strange to me this all started when I immediately got the car back. Either way, perhaps it's time to switch to some FICs if I gotta pull the plenum again.