Originally Posted by Tony Davila
Just called Holiday Inn and they said the club booking is from the 14th 21st of May not 11th 14th. Something is incorrect, can leadership please look into this.
Thanks for letting me know, Tony. The Gathering/Holiday Inn is indeed from May 14-17 (checking out on the 18th) as I noted in my initial post. The Mountain Run, which starts May 11, is separate; please email George Jones at the email address in my post to secure the MR reservations.
I made my Holiday Inn reservations using the link I provided and had no issues. If you're having issues making reservations by phone, I'd advise you to suggest the agent speak to Zach, the manager. I am looking at the contract which shows the dates as being Wednesday, May 14-17 (four nights) at the rate of $139.95.