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Old 10-10-2024   #5
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: GM Authority Showing the C4 ZR-1 Some Love

For YEARS it was the C-3 Series that occupied that wonderful spot.

The typical "bible passage" was " they stopped making Corvettes after 1967".
Usually spoken by guys who were as old as I am now, between puffs on their Marlboros ( how I miss those, but good to still be here ).

As great as a 63 Coupe or a 67 Tri Power looked or sounded, all I could do was shake my head and walk away.

I was a freshman in high school in 68 when the C-3 was introduced. It was, is, and shall remain LOVE at first sight forever.

To look out over that long hood at those fender bulges is as exciting today as ever.
Performance? Awesome, if one of the right engines was selected.

But don't forget to order a tilt column unless you want to get your legs stuck when halfway in.

Finally, in the last 5-10 years, the C-3 escaped that lowly spot, now occupied firmly by the C-4.

Most of the C-4 naysayers are the younger crowd. I guess many of the old guys died of lung cancer and C-2 prices have made owning one to drive and show very difficult for many.

What the youngsters don't know is how anxious we all were awaiting the release of the next generation Corvette and how thrilled we were when it finally was released.

Yes, at first it rode like crap, was grossly underpowered, and suffered from the same lack of build quality as before, most of which was resolved as the series progressed.

Enter the ZR-1. TRULY KING of the Hill in it's day and still OUTSTANDING today!

The body design of the C-4 honored the earlier cars with design attributes that were more contemporary in the day, but still were truly CORVETTE.

While the C-5 through C-8 are extraordinary Corvettes loved by most all, the time will come for the C-4 to graduate and earn it's well-deserved spot as a TRUE CORVETTE.

Funny, how the larger Corvette shows seem to all have very few C-1's, mostly all trailered, same with C-2's and a growing number. of C-3's
C-3's are mostly "modded", but driven and same with C-4's.

But the sheer number of "newer " cars, particularly 7's and 8's is undeniable.
Also, it seems equally divided between younger owners and old guys.

Good to see the youth keeping it all going!

Lastly, my C-4 is invisible.............. until the hood goes up.

Then just sit back and watch what happens.

Proves to me it's day is coming, but no matter, I LOVE it!

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