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Old 10-10-2024   #24
Ozruss90's Avatar
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Location: Shepparton. Vic. Australia
Posts: 162
Default Re: Fires then dies. HELP

Well it looks like the problem has been solved. I rang and spoke to Marc Haibeck yesterday and described my situation. He said start with the basics, has it got fuel pressure ? Yes confirmed by pressure gauge. When I told him it happened straight after removing the cam angle sensor, he suggested that I unclip the harness from the sensor to the ECM. I hadn?t done this as I had checked codes at the ALD port and no faults detected. I had also read in the FSM that the engine will still run without Cam sensor input, so assumed problem had to be elsewhere. Looks like the cam sensor is faulty and while connected to the ECM was causing an issue with the ECM. Once I unclippped that harness the engine fired up and idled as per normal. Very relieved to know what the problem was. Thank you Marc. 👍

NOW I have to source another sensor if anyone on here can help me out with one or steer me in the right direction to get one 🤞 would be much appreciated.

Russell. 🇦🇺
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