Status report after driving 3,124 miles on the NCRS Convention Texas Road Tour to Hampton Roads, VA.
Before the trip upgraded the cooling system with a new DeWitts 2 row, new thermostat, Marc Heibeck's throttle body bypass tube & chip. Also, installed a debris screen.
When I removed the upper radiator shroud, found all kinds of trash on the radiator, etc. including a page from a porno magazine 2002 printing.
Trip to Hampton Roads - Engine temp was running 200 to 230 depending upon the gear and traffic. Stop'n'go traffic in 100 degree heat drove temp over 240 and to 250.
Air cleaner on car is the aftermarket Automotive Performance Intl. from Seattle, WA with the big scoop in front of the condenser and radiator.
In Ashville, NC decided to remove the scoop. Stopped by Harbor Freight and bought a compass hand saw. Roughly cut the scoop off of the air cleaner.
Return home trip with outside temp 95 to 100 degrees - cooling was improved 190 to 200 degrees at 70~75 mph in 5th & 6th gear. 50~60 mph in 4th gear up to 210 degrees. Stop'n'go traffic for over 30 minutes, engine temp never got about 235 degrees.
Every evening during the trip, cleaned road trash off of the debris screen, which before would've been sucked into the radiator.
Duh, never dawned on me the air cleaner's big scoop was restricting air flow to the condenser/radiator.
Appreciate everyone's help and advice.