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Old 08-09-2024   #10
Z51JEFF's Avatar
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Default Re: Big Changes in my Z life

Originally Posted by rufcar View Post
z51jeff I had my motor/mast removed but could not get to the area to unplug it? I dont know how to remove the roll up screen in the rear as at 75 I could not get into the back of the car to see how its connected. I had removed the rear deck surround and speaker but its behind that area and I found no way to access it? I removed the rear tail lights and that gave me access to remove the rubber grommet that holds the line in but not enough wire to pull it out? Help! Tkx jim f
Getting the rear shade out is a pain in the ***, one end of it if not, both is spring loaded and it compresses about maybe 3/4 of an inch and there's a log in the end of this the shade that goes into receiver that's bolted in the car. You need to pull the end of the shade that spring loaded in in order to get that log to release and then the shade will come out. It's like a toilet paper holder ithat slips in a receiver and spring loaded. You need to get something in between the end of the sunshade and the bracket in the car and gently pry on it to get the spray to decompress. The lug will release in the end and the shade will come out of the car.
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