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Old 04-22-2024   #5
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: McLean, VA
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Default Re: Alternative Higher Amp Alternator (140 amp)


Higher amp alternator does not require an extensive rewiring. All that's needed is beefing up from alternator to the battery by adding a 8 ga. wire. also, Marc recomended beefing up and additing an extra wiring from the battery (not the actual battery but the distribution block (?) next to the battery to HVAC fan module. Latter allows HVAC fan to run a little faster resulting in air speed increase at the vent.
I am running a custom 200 amp "hair pin" alternator (Nippon Denso internal in CNC housing machined to mimick CS144) and overall C4 ZR-1 is a happier car.
Prior to this, when I had my alternator rebuilt locally, rebuild shop told me they can be rebuilt to 140 amp and I took that option. I think it cost me $65. This was about 6-7 years ago, I think...
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