Update on steering column pivot pin replacement:
Here is the steering column lowered on to the seat cushion, both side covers removed, my pin puller set up. A thread rod, 8-32, with several washers and a 13mm crows foot line wrench to pull against.

A picture of my pivot pin puller.

After pivot pin removal.

I think the hardest part of this pivot pin replacement is the reinstallation of this dimmer switch slider/actuator and the side cover that goes over it. It takes some fiddling to get it back together. As you fiddle with it all of a sudden it pops back in place correctly. This is the slider that goes in behind the side cover.

New pin reinstalled before side cover is reinstalled.

The hard part done, side cover on. Actuator not seen as it is behind the side cover.

Outer cover reinstalled, column ready to be raised and support bolted back in place.

I purchased my pin from Marc Haibeck and he was helpful with tips for getting the side cover back on. I also found this video on YouTube, link below, that was helpful. It is a pivot pin replacement on a 3rd gen Camaro, and they also show the actuator and side cover details on a column on the bench. Help me get a feel where the parts go because it is not very easy to see with the column dropped down on the seat cushion in a C4 Corvette.