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Old 11-28-2022   #2
Join Date: Aug 2006
Location: McLean, VA
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Default Re: Alternator R/R-Gaskets

Originally Posted by wagonwx View Post
Looks like I have the flickering lights, bouncing amp meter gauge syndrome. I did a test on the alternator and it appears to be bad. I just R/R'ed the plenum for a tuneup and replacement of some bad injectors. The plenum has been on only one week. Would I need to get new plenum gaskets, again? or can I carefully lift the plenum, do the alternator swap and reuse the gaskets? Any recommendations on Alternators or should I try to rebuild it and the voltage regulator?

Looks like your question I?d for a C4 ZR-1. Suggest you post on C4 ZR-1 technical section.
Actually, if you are careful, you can reuse the plenum gasket multiple times. I typically use Gasgacinch on the side attached to the plenum so that the gasket stays attached to the plenum. If a piece gets broken off, use a dab of Crazy glue and touch of silicone sealant at joints to keep good seal.
As for the alternator, I would prefer locating a good rebuilder locally and as for a rebuild along with increase in amperage to 140. Mae sure they are using US, Korean, or Taiwanese parts. No Chinese parts.
Before taking the alternator out, make sure all connections were done right.
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