Re: Anyone have any ideas about early 90' ZR-1???
Yes this is an early 90 but not the first of the ZR-1 builds. First wide bodies are built in July of 1987 as 88 (model year vehicles) that have VIN numbers on the frame and EX numbers at the base of the windshield. In 1989 GM builds 84 (is the number I keep hearing) Pilot ZR-1s with #00069 the first Saleable car (went to Geneva Switzerland show) and the plan was to start selling to the American public at VIN 00085. Due to oiling issues and having to support parts for 10 years, GM decides not to release a flat dash (89) ZR-1 to the public and pushes to 90. Still some of the very early VINs are retained by GM for testing and the like. Sounds like yours is one of them.
As for steel half shalfs, the first 500 or so have them just like my 90 VIN 00277. Check the stamps on the rail of the block just above oil pan and I bet the engine has 277 as part of it. Your car might also have a replacement engine from GM engineering from testing explaining the 277, 1988 injectors and other early parts. Also your build would have been in 1989 around July based on your VIN. Would love to discuss this one further with you as I have 1988 KoH VIN 000038 EX5006. Hope this helps a little.