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Old 08-09-2022   #9
Join Date: Feb 2020
Location: Oregon
Posts: 67
Default Re: 1995 ZR1 Transmission Really Stiff...Sometimes

So I called around to a few shops today to find a place to go (everyone is super busy right now). One of the people I spoke with asked me if I had a hard time putting it in reverse when the car was shut off. I admitted I hadn't tried.

When I got home today I decided to move cars around and put the ZR-1 back in the garage for now as I won't be driving it the rest of the week. Before starting it, I tried to put it into reverse and it was easy. I then moved it back to first gear, started the car, and tried to go into reverse. I was able to get it into gear but it was much more difficult.

The person I spoke with must have had a reason for asking me this...but I'm not overly knowledgeable with transmissions. What would this indicate (if anything)?
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