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Old 07-24-2022   #8
Join Date: Aug 2012
Location: Rockwall, TX
Posts: 27
Default Re: Ceramic coating DFW area

Originally Posted by Paul Workman View Post
Boy-yo-boy what a shiny topic!

OK, I admit it: I am more of a "WARRIOR" than a show car "WAXER" person. I love a beautiful car as much as anyone, but I'm not fond (nor capable as my bones get older) of hours of rubbing or need the physical therapy that comes from endless polishing (even the under carriage!), as some enjoy. Shine. Once that box is checked, I don't what to come back to it again for as long as possible.

Jumping ahead, after the polymer phase (that supplanted to dethrone the carnuba wax era), ceramic coatings were the clear answer to fantastic shine without the need for constant maintenance - almost maintenance free if one avoided rain or road dirt. But, I hung w/ polymers b/c I couldn't swallow the $$$ tab for a professional ceramic application. But, progress in ceramics moves on.

Below are some quick shots I took of my car after a year of testing the Torque Detail Ceramic Shine (Torque Detail product line) for this post that kinda give an idea of the kind of finish coat I'm getting. I don't know how it compares to a pro ceramic job, but I have always been pleased with the polymer stuff I'd been using (waaaay mo bettah than carnuba was), but this stuff tops the polymer in terms of shine, AND ease of application. One spritz and buff is equal to several applications and buffing of the high end polymer stuff I'd been using to now.

The shine and refection (see sky, trees, and clouds, etc) are stunning. Anyone else tried the TD stuff? What do ya think?
Very impressive! If mine looks that good afterwards, I certainly won?t be disappointed. I admire you for taking on the job yourself. I considered it, but just don?t know that I?ll have the time to do it right before I leave.

I have about an 800 mile round trip with a local car show in the middle, so hoping the ceramic job will allow me to make the drive, do a light spritzing/wipe down the morning of the show and still make a reasonable showing.
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