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Old 06-27-2022   #3
Join Date: Aug 2021
Location: Bradenton, FL
Posts: 137
Default Re: Small tribute to the FBI

Originally Posted by Paul Workman View Post
I recon they won't mind! The moniker was coined back in 07 or 08, FBI The Fast Boyz of Illinoiz. Since then several of the original "FBI" members have gone on to other parts of the world - including ME.
The moniker came into being, mostly because we (the Chicago area ZR-1 owners) often participated as a group as a club and needed a name to go by (Corvette clubs in the area would participate in drag racing, car shows, etc. and would we needed an "official" name under which to be associated.)

And, that is how the "FBI" came to be! There's still no officers, no dues, and only one rule: Have FUN with our Zs! Myself and -=Jeff=- Debur sort of assumed the unofficial role as event organizers for get togethers (pizza nites, shows, drag races, etc). But, it is a very loosely organized group; - mainly residing in the Chicago area (especially initially), but now scattered all across the country! All newcomers and/or associates are welcome!
Thanks for the info Paul. I think that is really cool... I remember my Dad telling me about some of those gatherings!
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