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Old 06-25-2022   #6
Join Date: Jun 2022
Location: Alpharetta
Posts: 28
Default Re: clutch pedal effort

I know this is a 16 year old thread, but figured I'd dredge it up from the bottom of the lake.

My 94, with 58k miles has a pretty stiff clutch pedal. Also I have to give it more gas than I think I would need to in order to not bog from a stop.

I have no idea if the clutch and flywheel are stock. I would definitely say I need significant more force to push the pedal to the floor compared to a Honda. I need to verify the slave reservoir has fluid in it. Only had the car for a few weeks, so slowly going over everything.

I'm thinking the flywheel has significantly more mass than the one in my 280ZX, which would make sense.

It's fun switching from my ZR-1 to my 280ZX, as the pedal practically falls to the floor with my foot resting on it, and I barely need to give it gas when leaving from a stop.
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