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Old 06-23-2022   #13
DRM500RUBYZR-1's Avatar
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Default Re: Overheating issues.

Using a coolant pressure testing tool determine if the system is maintaining pressure.

In 26 years my car never went over 230 regardless of conditions.
It usually operates in the 190-210 range.

Two or three years ago while in slow procession of 400 Vettes to the Ocean City NJ boardwalk, I was alarmed to observe a steadily climbing gauge confirmed by the digital as well.
When it went beyond 240 even with air on and revs up I really got nervous.
Was able to shut down when we finally got parked and was just below the real danger zone.

Driving home at high speed, I was able to maintain reasonable temp.
Every slow down caused a spike.

The cause?

The most minor leak around the lower hose. Minor enough that no drips were observed beneath the car, but enough to prevent the system from pressurizing.

Replaced with a screw clamp.
Problem solved.

Do not over pressurize it as you do not want to stress the heater core.

Worth a try.
Good luck and let us know.

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