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Old 06-21-2022   #10
phrogs's Avatar
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Default Re: I just bought an abandoned 90 ZR-1 #226

Here's a shot of the intake never seen one like it.

Also check out the difference in the windshield to my other ZR-1.

Please ignore the Top my clear top separated on me so I threw on a spare top I had.

The smc is toast on the halo and I have tried to save damage that's like what's on the fender but I haven't had good luck.

This car also shows signs of paint failure, under the fuel door panel the paint underneath is pealing like it did on my other ZR-1.

Mice of course got in the car and made multiple nests so I am removing all of that. The interior is all coming out. so I can check the harnesses and Ill go over all the other harness for mouse damage. Some interior plastic is good other like the halo trim was all cracked and junk, Ill see what I can salvage but I think the carpet and seats are done from that and the UV rays, Dash board is also cracked door panels may be savable so interior is rough.
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Currently own

90 ZR-1 #845 DRM 500 engine package

90 #226 Parts car Hit me up if you need anything.
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