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Old 05-22-2022   #3
Join Date: Mar 2021
Location: Crawfordville, FL
Posts: 220
Default Re: Another AC compressor/clutch question

Another followup-
All's well now, back in business.
You must clear the 09 code indicating low freon from the computer before you can get the compressor to engage.
You do that by either pulling 2 fuses (ctsy (15a) and AC (25a)) or by disconnecting the battery for at least 30 sec., or better yet, a few minutes.
After clearing the code, the compressor will run by jumping the low pressure switch connector allowing you to put freon in. After a few minutes, when the low pressure builds up enough (30-lbs or so), you can reconnect the plug to the low pressure switch and it will run as intended 'till you fill it all the way up (45lbs.).
So don't forget to clear the code.
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