I find it amazing how often cars are left then found in this condition.
The ones that I have fostered / adopted were at least covered before being stashed away.
While I share your excitement in finding and resurrecting it, I also have equally strong feelings about those who let it sit that way without even a cover for 30 years.
Look forward to seeing the end result.
One suggestion.
After sitting so long covered with either a cover or cover of dust, try yo keep it out of direct sunlight.
I have had half a dozen where the windshields looked fine when first cleaned, but when sitting in the sunnier spots within the showroom, delam quickly followed.
The side closest to the windows / sunlight experienced the most rapid onset.
Do not think it was heat related, as some of the cars were in public storage that certainly became hot in the summer, but no delam present until the bright light was added.
Again, photos of your progress likely would be of interest to many.
Enjoy the pursuit!
