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Old 03-07-2022   #61
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Alex VA
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Default Re: Which coil pack do you have?

I know this is a very old thread, but so far I haven't seen any evidence of

1. fancy spark plugs
2. super conductor wires
3. coils that are "better" than factory

the gm stuff works and will support reliably over 700 hp so why mess with success. Over the years all the fancy msd and deamon coils seems to suffer early failure and until I see a baseline dyno, and then another one after the swap make more power, I think the stockers might be the best. But maybe the old coils are better than the crap AC delco slings out now.

I ran the fancy magnecore wires, big chunks of the silicone just fell out of the wire like it had been cut out.

The factory stuff is engineered better, and seems to light the fire just fine at even higher compression ratios. I've tried the fancy plugs, wires, coils, now I listen to Pete because he's faster than I am with a stock block

Dyno is the truth teller and cuts through the BS about what works and was doesn't MPH at the track is a good tell also

Phil, I'm glad you are running the MSD stuff, I hope it holds up. I heard bad things about the Accel, deamons, and the MSD over the years. QA on MSD and parts in general is in the tank with out of box failures being more common

In the old days of "waste spark" the coils would corrode and go south after 20-30 k miles You would notice misfires, and high boost power drop off. With high cyl pressure of the Lt5, you would think the stockers wouldn't be that great. I have 106k miles on the old 95 coil packs and I wonder if I should change them out with "new delco NOS" which seems to stand for

:"not optimum sh!t" in recent years after the many folks went to cheap manufacture at the price of quality. Me thinks the old stuff was better.
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