Join Date: Oct 2017
Location: TX
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Re: Weird stuttering issue
Originally Posted by 32valvZ
I dunno, but with the 80 plus vehicles that have gone through my hands, I would never drive them hard until mostly or fully warmed up. I suppose Im old school, but and engine, is an engine, is an engine.... regardless of modern computer aided fuel systems making the engine "seem" like its ready to be driven under any circumstances, the engine is still made of metals which need some time to warm up before flogging... Oil needs a chance to warm up as well as coolant.... Like I said, maybe Im just old school, ya, I am... LOL.... but none the less, letting my autos and trucks warm up, I believe is good practice. 
Amen to this practice! Any engine should be brought to operating temps before putting a load on it.
1990 #442