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Old 10-01-2021   #3
cadillac531's Avatar
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Default Re: Idle Quality Issue

Originally Posted by Paul Workman View Post
Hello, and welcome to the ZR-1 madness!!

Sounds like your nibbling all around the idle issue. And, I could be wrong (and I apologize if I am, but I caution ya on (what appears from you post to be) throwing parts at a problem w/o really doing the "due diligence: "Never assume!"

Barring a bad check valve in one of the pumps, the very small leak down results you have - tho not ideal - wouldn't likely cause an idle issue or missing @ low rpm, IMO. Loosing several psi over a minute could cause problems, but usually is accommodated with other signs, e.g., fouled plug(s) and disparaging BLM results (balance).

You need to scan it and see what is the big picture. You'd be interested in what the O2 sensors are doing - are they working and are they balanced?
The BLMs will tell you if you have a fueling issue on one bank or the other (or BOTH). Are the cross counts reasonably the same or is one or the other sensor "lazy" (one O2 w/ 1/2 the cross counts of the other would indicate the sensor was well on its way to the trash barrel!)

Reading the plugs can give you a clue to whether a particular cylinder(s) are running rich or lean.

Is the injector dwell time on the two banks uniform?

Dominic (aka XfireZ51) recently wrote an interesting article describing the effect (or LACK thereof) injector flow abnormalities has on idle and low rpm response and over all drivability.

Food for thought!
Thanks for the reply and the welcome to the ZR-1 madness...although I've had this madness since 93. I completely agree with you on throwing parts at it. The idle issue was just one issue, the other was hard starts which was being attributed to the system not holding pressure at key on engine off. It would crank and crank and crank. Upon checking the injectors and the pumps, I found them to be at fault and so I changed those out. This solved the hard start issue (I forgot to mention that in my original post). I was also experiencing a heavy hesitation right before the secondaries would open as I would ease into the throttle, but not to full throttle. I found the O2 sensors to be lazy. Changed those out and the hesitation is fact so is the feeling I used to get when the secondaries would's much smoother now.

I'm happy with the results of changing out the parts I did, as the car responds a lot better at part throttle than it used to. I'm just at a loss for the idle deal. I'll look through your recommendations listed and go through the data to watch for those values closer.

Thanks again.

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1991 Corvette ZR-1 -- Stock, 94 ZR-1 exhaust system, muffler delete.

1956 Chevrolet Belair -- Pro Street, 531ci Cadillac, 8-71 Blower, 8pt roll bar, built TH-400, 9" rear, 1,100 HP -- Street Car.

1968 Mustang "Pegasus" -- Zeeker Chassis, 584ci Dart Block, Brodix Big Brodies, 2-1150 Dominators, FTI 'Glide, 1168 hp, best ET & Trap(holding back) 8.57@159 -- 7.9X -- 1/4 mile car.

1970 Chevelle -- 468ci, TKO600, shaved and smoothed everything.

Last edited by cadillac531; 10-01-2021 at 09:20 PM.
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